
How does it work?

It’s Free

We provide advice and counselling free online or over the phone. Our service is paid for by the Voice Study Centre, but it is entirely confidential. They are not able to see what you are browsing or what you talk to us about.

It’s Confidential

The counselling and advice we provide is confidential. Our experts maintain a strict policy in accordance with privacy laws and professional ethics. No information about you or your use of our service will be available to the Voice Study Centre.

It’s Tailored to You

You are free to browse information on this site and use the tools provided, or if you prefer, give us a ring on our 24 hour phoneline with any questions and we will arrange a call time with one of our experts.

It’s easy – Videos, Tools, Finance Calculators and more

Our online service is packed with useful tools and information. Choose to read summaries or try online tools to help you with all areas of wellbeing.

It put things in perspective, got me back in charge of myself, re-using skills I thought I had lost

Amir, Construction Worker

Explore Dealing with debt

My counsellor transformed
my life in 3 weeks, from being depressed to feeling better and being back on my feet.

Jade, Admin Assistant

Explore Stress & resilience